Gender Pay Gap
Pershing welcomes initiatives that encourage greater focus on pay transparency.
The UK Government Equalities Office has introduced legislation which, as of 4 April 2017, requires employers with 250 or more UK employees to publish certain information in respect of their gender pay gap.
The gender pay gap is a measure of difference between the average earnings of men and women.

Pershing Limited Gender Pay Gap Report
As part of our commitment to equality, BNY Mellon | Pershing Limited has published its sixth UK Gender Pay Gap Report, in accordance with the UK government's criteria.
Gender Pay versus Equal Pay
Measuring a gender pay gap is not the same as measuring equal pay. Equal pay means being paid the same for the same / similar work. BNY Mellon conducts ongoing and consistent reviews of pay levels across all comparable roles in the business to ensure that men and women are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs with similar levels of experience and skill.
Addressing the Pay Gap
At BNY Mellon, we are committed to improving diverse workforce representation through external hiring and internal mobility, and the advancement and retention of diverse employees.
We continue to take actions to improve gender balance and promote an inclusive workplace. We remain dedicated to attracting the best talent and empowering our employees to reach their full potential.