Driving Forward: An Interview with Sareena Dalla Brookshire

Driving Forward: An Interview with Sareena Dalla Brookshire

JANUARY 25, 2024

Sareena Dalla Brookshire
Chief Product Officer 
BNY Mellon | Pershing

Sareena Dalla Brookshire received a crash course on the BNY Mellon | Pershing culture right from the start, spending her first days on the job at INSITE 2023. Since then, she has put her stamp on our product strategy, seamlessly integrating innovative solutions and cutting-edge technology to meet the needs of our clients.

Download the full article below to discover what’s on her mind as she embarks on an ambitious agenda for 2024 and beyond. 

Driving Forward: An Interview With Sareena Dalla Brookshire

Sareena Dalla Brookshire

Sareena Dalla Brookshire is the Chief Product Officer for BNY Mellon | Pershing. In this role, Sareena leads the development and execution of BNY Mellon Pershing’s global product strategy and oversees our product teams. She is also a member of the Executive Committee and works closely with all areas of our business to optimize investments in our product offerings.

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